EPCS: Reset passphrase

This article provides instructions on how users who completed Experian identity proofing during EPCS registration can reset their EPCS passphrase:

  1. Click on the Reset forgotten EPCS passphrase accordion in this article to read more about how to reset your password using the Forgot Passphrase link on the web site.
  2. Users who know their current passphrase but want to update it as a security measure, please click on the Reset passphrase after logging into EPCS dashboard accordion.

Note: If you received a lockout notice, any actions related to EPCS will receive the Authentication Failed, Access is denied error during the lockout period.  


Reset forgotten EPCS passphrase

Start on the EPCS Gold login page, then follow the steps outlined below:

1. Click Forgot Passphrase.


(click to enlarge)

2. Follow the steps outlined below:

(A) Enter your NPI number.

(B) Enter your entire Serial Number (S/N) or Credential ID, including the letters without spaces or dashes.

Token Serial Number/Credential ID Format
VIP Access
  • SYMC########  (no spaces)
  • SYMD########  (no spaces)
  • VSST########   (no spaces)
Symantec (Hard Token)
  • AVT########
  • FT########
  • ########           (no dashes)

(C) Click Next Step.

3. Follow the steps outlined below:

(A) Click the Select Token drop-down menu and select your token brand.

(B) Enter the email address associated with your account (EPCS Registration Email).

(C) Enter the One Time Password (OTP) from your token.

(D) Click Continue.


(click to enlarge)

4. You will receive an email to reset your password. The subject of the email is Prescriber reset passphrase notification. Click the Reset Passphrase Link provided in that email.

  • You will be redirected to the Reset Passphrase page on EPCS Gold.


(click to enlarge)

5. Follow the steps outlined below:

(A) Enter your NPI number.

(B) Enter your entire Serial Number (S/N) or Credential ID, including the letters without spaces or dashes. 

Token Serial Number/Credential ID Format
VIP Access
  • SYMC########  (no spaces)
  • SYMD########  (no spaces)
  • VSST########   (no spaces)
Symantec (Hard Token)
  • AVT########
  • FT########
  • ########           (no dashes)

(C) Click Continue.

6. Follow the steps outlined below:

(A) Click the Select Token dropdown menu and select your token brand.

(B) Enter your OTP from your active token.

(C) Click Continue.


(click to enlarge)

7. You will be prompted to answer the Security Question that you initially set up during the EPCS registration process. Enter the Security Answer, then click Continue.


Security Answers are case sensitive.


Note: If you don't remember the Security Answer to your security question, please submit a ticket/request. We will send you a new EPCS registration link, where you will need to complete registration again and create a new passphrase.


(click to enlarge)

8. Enter a New Passphrase, then retype it next to the Confirm New Passphrase field. Click Continue when finished. Your new password must adhere to the following requirements:

  • 8-20 characters
  • at least 1 upper case letter
  • at least 1 number
  • no more than 2 consecutive uses of the same character
  • avoid special characters



(click to enlarge)

Reset passphrase after logging into EPCS dashboard

1. Go to the EPCS Prescriber Dashboard and start logging in with your NPI and Passphrase, then select a Token and enter the One Time Pin (OTP) to complete the login.


(click to enlarge)


2. Once logged in you will see the Main Dashboard


(click to enlarge)


3. Click the Profile tab and select Change EPCS Passphrase


(click to enlarge)


4. Select your token and follow the prompts to enter your current passphrase and create a new Passphrase

Your new password must adhere to the following requirements:

  • 8-20 characters
  • at least 1 upper case letter
  • at least 1 number
  • no more than 2 consecutive uses of the same character
  • avoid special characters


(click to enlarge)


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