Contributions are anything you have created, posted, updated, or reacted to on our Help Center. Examples include:
- Created: You may have created a ticket by submitting a request.
- Posted: You may have posted a comment on a request (ticket) or an article.
- Updated: You may have updated the status of a request.
- Reacted: You may have provided a reaction vote on our help center articles (upvote or downvote)
You can track all of your comments made on our help center articles. To do so, follow the directions below:
From the My Activities page, click the Contributions tab at the top.
(click to enlarge)
Here is where you will see the following information:
(A) Title: Your comment on a help center article.
(B) Vote Sum: You provided the reaction vote on our help center article (upvote or downvote).
(C) Last Activity: The last (most recent) date and time you posted your comment on an article.
(D) Created: The original date your first comment was made.
(click to enlarge)