Introduction to Help Center: Live Chat, Support Requests, & Articles

Learn how to navigate the DrFirst Help Center; click on a Help Center feature below to learn more about how to use it. 

Submit a Request to Support 

To submit a request to Support:

1. Select the Submit a request button on the top or bottom of the page.

2. Enter information into the online form.

If you are signed in to the Help Center you will see more specific options in the online form. 

Providing more details will help Support staff troubleshoot your issue faster. 

Live Chat

You can reach Support through chat by going to

  1. Go to the bottom right-hand corner of the web page.
  2. Click on the chat icon. MessageIcon.PNG
  3. Select one of the topic areas if it covers your question. Otherwise, start typing your question in the chat.
  4. If you still have questions that are not answered by the preset topic areas, select Chat with Agent to communicate directly with an agent.
  5. If there is not an agent immediately available, you will receive an email confirming that a request (ticket) has been created, and an agent will reply as soon as possible.
  6. Follow up via the request (ticket) from your Help Center Account on My Activities

Note: You will first interact with a bot; this will help to route your question to a specialized agent. 

To learn how create a Help Center account or to view your Support requests at any time, visit: Introduction to Support Requests & Help Center.

Create A Help Center Account 

For the best Help Center experience, sign up for an account if you have not created one already. This account will allow you to view your Support requests as well as the Support requests submitted by colleagues at your organization. 

To Sign Up: 

1. Go to Sign In at the top right corner of 

2. Select Sign Up  

3. Enter any email address and password of your choice.

4. Use your selected email address and password to Sign In

View Support Requests (My Activities) 

View all your Support requests as well as the Support requests at any time by signing into your Help Center account at 

1. Sign In at the top right corner of 

2. Underneath your name, select My Activities 

3. Toggle through the tabs to find information about your requests and to manage what articles on the Help Center you follow. 

Update an Existing Support Request 

To comment on a solved request: 

1. Sign in to view My Activities

2. Under Requests, select the ticket you want to add a comment to, even if it is solved. 

3. Add a comment. This will prompt DrFirst Support to follow up with you about your pending issue. 

Reopen a Closed Request 

Even though a request has been solved (closed), you may still follow up on the solved topic by adding a comment to the request. This action will automatically either reopen the solved ticket or create a linked follow-up ticket for the DrFirst Support Team. 

To comment on a solved request: 

1. Sign in to view My Activities

2. Under Requests, select the ticket you want to add a comment to, even if it is solved. 

3. Add a comment. This will prompt DrFirst Support to follow up with you about your pending issue. 

4. You will see the status change from Solved to Open. Once an agent replies to you, you will see status change from Open to Awaiting your reply.

Track My Contributions 

Contributions are anything you have created, posted, updated, or reacted to on our Help Center. Examples include:

  • Created: You may have created a ticket by submitting a Support request.

  • Posted: You may have posted a comment on a Support request or an article.

  • Updated: You may have updated the status of a Support request.

  • Reacted: You may have provided a thumbs up or thumbs down on an article. 

Get Notified of Updates (Follow Articles & Sections)

At the top of each article in the Help Center, select the Follow or Unfollow button to manage emailed notifications about updates to an article. 

You may also select the Follow or Unfollow button at the top of a section of articles to manage emailed notifications about added articles or new comments in that section. 

Optimize Search 

Use "and" and "or" in between your search terms to optimize your search results. Using the search bar from the main page ( returns search results from the entire webpage, while using the search bar within a category such as iPrescribe returns results only from within that category. 




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