Reset password for each product

This article provides instructions on how to reset your login password for the following products:

Help Center password reset

Go to

1. Click the Sign in button located at the top-right corner of the page.

2. Click forgot my password in the window that appears.

3. Enter your email address and click Submit.


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If you are an existing user, DrFirst will send you an email with a link to reset your password.

Rcopia password reset

Follow the directions outlined below, or visit our relevant help center article:Rcopia:Reset My Password

Start on the Rcopia login page, then follow the steps outlined below:

1. Click Forgot Password.


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2. Follow these steps in chronological order, and refer to the screenshot below

(A) Enter your Username.

(B) Enter the CAPTCHA text.

(C) Click Submit.


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3. Your password reset instructions are sent to the email address associated with the account. Open the email and Click on Reset Password link in the email.

Password reset email.png

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4. You will need to answer 2 out of 3 security questions correctly.

security questions.png

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5. Enter the new password in twice.

Enter new password twice.png

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iPrescribe password reset

Follow the directions outlined below, or visit our relevant help center article: iPrescribe: How to Reset My Login Password

To change your password when you are already logged in, visit the following article: iPrescribe: Manage Your Password

1. If you forgot your password, you can reset it by pressing the Forgot Password button on the login page and following the on-screen directions.


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2. Follow these steps in chronological order, and refer to the screenshot below

(A) Enter your current login Username

(B) Enter the text in the image on the screen.

(C) Tap Recover Password.


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3. Go to the email associated with your iPrescribe account.

The Subject line of the email with password reset link Request to reset your iPrescribe password.

Click the blue Reset Password link provided in the email.


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The blue link will open a new browser window where you will answer the security questions you set up when you created the account.

If you do not receive the email within five minutes, please check your spam filter. If you still do not have an email go to the Help Center and click Submit a request.

4. Answer your security questions

(A) Type in answers to at least 2 of your security questions.

(B) Tap Continue.

Security Questions.JPG

(click to enlarge)

You have one attempt to answer correctly to at least 2 of your security questions. If you have attempted to answer your security questions and cannot get past this step, please go to the Help Center and click Submit a request.

5. Reset your login password

Follow the directions below in chronological order:

(A) Enter your New Password.

(B) Re-enter the New Password.

  • Please create a password that has never been used on your account. The system will let you know if you entered a password already used for this account within the past 180 days.
  • You must enter the same password twice; please be aware the password is case-sensitive.

(C) Tap Change Password.


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You have successfully changed your password!


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MedHx password reset

Follow the directions outlined below, or visit our relevant help center article: MedHx: Forgot Password?

1. Navigate to MedHx Companion

2. Select Need help logging in? 



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3Under Forgot Password, enter your Username and select Reset Password



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4. Select Okay on the resulting notification.


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Backline password reset

Follow the directions outlined below, or visit our relevant help center article: Backline: Forgot Your Password?

Start on the Backline login page, then follow the steps outlined below:

1. Click Forgot Password? on the login page.


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  • Note: Point ClickCare and Promedica clients will select Login with Partner Software instead of 'Forgot Password' then select the appropriate button.

2. Enter your Email Address and press Reset.


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3. You will receive an email with a subject line that reads: [External] Backline Password Reset. Follow the instructions outlined in the email.

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