iPrescribe: Mailer (EPCS) Frequently Asked Questions

This article answers frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the mailer (letter with QR code) that you generated as part of Step 4: Activate E-prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) in iPrescribe

Reminder: You receive 2 separate items in the mail as part of Step 5: Activate EPCS:

  • Authenticator (also called a hard token or key fob) to e-prescribe controlled substances after you complete EPCS activation 
  • The mailer (letter) to complete the EPCS activation at your DEA-listed business address 
When will my mailer (letter) arrive? 

Your mailer will arrive through USPS within 5-10 business days

If it has been past 10 business days since you generated your mailer: 

  1. Check that your business address listed by the DEA is current; the DEA requires that the mailer go to this address 

    DEA address to update_Sept2022.png

    (click to enlarge)

  2. Generate a new mailer:
      1. Go to the main menu in iPrescribe and select Activate EPCS 
      2. Select Help 
      3. Reconfirm your DEA-listed business address and select Yes to generate another mailer to that address. 

        iPrescribe_ActivateEPCS_Continue.png  iPrescribe_ActivateEPCS_Continue.png iPrescribe_SendMeMailerCode.png

         (click to enlarge)

      4. Wait 5-10 business days for the new mailer to arrive from USPS.  Note: Requesting a new mailer does not invalidate the mailer that is in transit.
  3. If you still do not receive a mailer within 10 business days, please submit a request to DrFirst Support. 
How do I generate a new mailer? 

1. Go to the main menu in iPrescribe and select Activate EPCS 

2. Select Help 

3. Reconfirm your DEA-listed business address and select Yes to generate another mailer to that address. 

iPrescribe_ActivateEPCS_Continue.png  iPrescribe_ActivateEPCS_Continue.png iPrescribe_SendMeMailerCode.png

 (click to enlarge)

4. Wait 5-10 business days for the new mailer to arrive from USPS.  Note: Requesting a new mailer does not invalidate the mailer that is in transit.

What if the code on my mailer is expired? 

If the QR code in your mailer is expired, you will need to generate a new mailer: 

1. Go to the main menu in iPrescribe and select Activate EPCS 

2. Select Help 

3. Reconfirm your DEA-listed business address and select Yes to generate another mailer to that address. 

iPrescribe_ActivateEPCS_Continue.png  iPrescribe_ActivateEPCS_Continue.png iPrescribe_SendMeMailerCode.png

 (click to enlarge)

4. Wait 5-10 business days for the new mailer to arrive from USPS.  Note: Requesting a new mailer does not invalidate the mailer that is in transit.

What do I do once I get my mailer (letter)

1. Login to iPrescribe.

2. Go to the main menu. 



(click to enlarge)

3. Select Activate EPCS.  


(click to enlarge)

4. Scan the QR code or enter the 7-digit code located right below the QR code on the mailer (letter)


(click to enlarge)

  • If you choose to scan the QR code, allow iPrescribe to access your camera, then scan 

iPrescribe_CameraAccess.png   iPrescribe_ScanforEPCS_Lg.png  iPrescribe_ScanforEPCSPairing_Lg.png

 (click to enlarge)

  • Otherwise, manually enter the 7-digit code into iPrescribe 

iPrescribe_Enter7DigitMailerCode.png   iPrescribe_Pairing7DigitCode.png

 (click to enlarge)

6. You will see a success message, indicating you are now authorized to begin electronically prescribing controlled substances (EPCS) using your two-factor authentication (login password and one-time-pin from an authenticator). 

iPrescribe_MailerSuccess.png   iPrescribe_ActivateEPCS_FinalScreen.png

 (click to enlarge)

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