When you submit a request to DrFirst Support, use these best practices:
Who is impacted?
- E.g., providers, clinical staff, both?
- Specific users, a specific role, or all users?
- For specific users, include usernames and NPI numbers.
What product is affected or error message is appearing?
- Including as many details as possible.
- E.g., what product you are using, what is the full error message shown on screen, what exact steps did you take that caused this error?
- Is it occurring only for certain workflows (e.g., only when prescribing from Favorites, for a specific patient(s), for a specific drug, etc.).
- If error is related to a prescription, enter prescription serial number, e.g., AA-1234567890.
- Sample request: "Dr. Johnson(sjohnson1) created prescription by going to Favorites, selecting Amoxicillin 500 mg tab from the organization's list of favorites, clicked Send and Print, then got error message 'No prescription found'.
When (date/time)?
- Approximate date and time of issue allows DrFirst to quickly access logs for that time period.
We always welcome additional information that you can provide. This can include:
- Anything you already did to try to resolve the issue
- Changes made recently on your end (e.g., browser update, got new device(s), etc.)
- Screenshots
- Recordings
- For EMR/EHR Partners having data issues, what does your review of the xml data request and response show?
More Troubleshooting Tips
- Most of our products are browser-based, so try clearing your browser cache and cookies. Learn more here.
- If your organization made recent site(s) changes, does reverting the change resolve the issue?
- If there is a single patient, do they have any required fields missing in their record (e.g., all demographic information, medication list data)?
- Search for help articles on https://help.drfirst.com/hc/en-us