Backline: Urgent Messages (Web)

This article describes how to send an urgent message within Backline Web and how to acknowledge an urgent message you have received within Backline Web.

Mark Messages as Urgent 

Mark messages as urgent within Backline Web by clicking on the red exclamation icon on the right side of the text box. Urgent messages prompt acknowledgment by the recipient.


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Once you mark a message as urgent, red highlighting will be applied to the text box. In addition, a warning will appear below the text box. After typing your urgent message into the text box, tap Enter on the keyboard to send the message.


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Received an Urgent Message 

If you receive an urgent message, you will see an orange and a red badge notification.


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Learn more about badge notifications here: Message Notifications

Once you open the message, it will be marked as read, and the orange badge will disappear.


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Acknowledge Urgent Message 

The red badge will disappear once you acknowledge the urgent message. To acknowledge the message, you will need to click on the red urgent banner.


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Once the urgent message has been acknowledged, there will be a blue check mark and an exclamation icon with a date and time stamp, which indicates the message was acknowledged.


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