EPCS Gold: Disable an EPCS prescriber in your organization (EPCS Affiliates)

This article explains how EPCS Affiliate administrators may disable electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) for a prescriber in their organization. 

Disabling a prescriber's EPCS ensures the provider no longer

  • Triggers billing 
  • Has access to EPCS for your organization 

Partners are responsible for disabling prescribers to remove their EPCS access

To disable a prescriber's EPCS in your organization: 

1. Login to EPCS Admin Console (https://ui.epcsdrfirst.com/staff/login


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2. On the menu to the left, select Manage Prescriber. 


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3. Search for the prescriber for whom you want to disable EPCS (search by name or NPI number). 

4. Select the prescriber's name. 

5. Scroll down to the Prescriber Grant Details section.


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6. Find the row with the DEA number associated with the prescriber's location you want to disable.

You will see a green button – indicating the prescriber is active for EPCS in this organization – under the far right column, Disable & Remove Grant

7. Click the green button to disable EPCS grant status for the prescriber at that location. 

8. Confirm that you want to remove the EPCS grant for this provider by selecting OK in the confirmation pop up window. 


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9. You should now see a line appear with the provider's DEA number and Status showing as DISABLED


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The prescriber's EPCS grant is disabled and the prescriber will no longer trigger billing. 

Note: It is best practice to disable a prescriber rather than the organization due to billing implications. A prescriber that is not disabled will continue to incur billing fees.

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